
Showing posts from September, 2018

Landlocked and Beyond

I found myself in a situation recently where I was literally and figuratively LANDLOCKED. It didn't feel great and it sure got my head reeling.  Landlocked by definition means when you are surrounded by land, enclosed, cut-off, so you can't go anywhere; limited to that enclosed area. It only seems like you can go somewhere, and that you can reach a different destination, but you can't, you're stuck.  I really hate that LANDLOCKED feeling! At first, exists that feeling of freedom. I've experienced this every time I am on the water; it always felt that way at true freedom. But then I looked around and see the limited range of which I could travel and that, for in all tense and purposes, was always going to be the same view no matter my launching point, I equated it to LIFE. Wait? What?   Yes. I equated it to my current situation. I did not want to be LANDLOCKED. I did not want to be stuck like that ever again. It was not easy to change your li