
Showing posts from February, 2019

Gotta Love the Challenge!

Making a wide-sweeping comparison here...ready? Yoga and editing. At the moment, the latter is more prevalent in my life. However, it wasn't until recently that I realized I seemed to have a history of inadvertently doing the more challenging obstacle first, followed up by something in the same vein, yet less challenging. I took this very action when it came to introducing myself to yoga. I thought I would try Bikram yoga first. It was the craze several years ago and I wanted to be healthier and kinder to my body. I had been boxing for about a year and was just recovering from six month injury; I was fearful of hitting the bag again, and having the same arduous healing process.  A Bikram yoga class is 90 minutes in length and in a room heated at 104 ° F. I had no idea and in my first class, I could only keep my breath steady while laying flat on the floor, where the temperature was cooler. It was a bit of a shock, yet I became addicted to it, and found myself in the stud