
Showing posts from August, 2020

Got Vine

Nature fascinates me. Fauna has always piqued my interest. The way plants are able to grow and thrive in specific environments intrigues me want to learn more about them. I love to play the game called Know What That's Called. Annoying, I know! Humans and plants alike are in this manner, we are growing and also planting ourselves in environments that suits us. I  think deeply on these subjects when I have the opportunity to relax, like really relax.  This was the case the other day on a very warm August, Sunday afternoon.  Having relaxed conversation under a weathered trestle that only a few weeks prior was simply covered in a mass of seemingly dead leaves and brown withered, now revealing an abundance of lush greenery bursting to life with delicate tendrils, buzzing bees, amid multiple shades of green.  I don't know for certain what variety of wild grapes they were, but according to the woman who cared for the vines and also the adjacent garden, they were originally

Respect the Queen Bee

I can't say that I am a afraid of insects; I respect them and the job that they do to keep our ecosystem going. You have to; we wouldn't be where we are on this planet without their help to some given degree.  T here are those that definitely creep me out: the ones with shifty compound eyes or a multitude of legs that enable them to scurry away at lightning speed (#centipedes), ya . . .those ones! I don't typically give insects much thought until one crosses my path in a way that I simply have to take notice. Well, this particular midday, she caught my attention: Ms. Queen Bee. She was probably a full three quarter inches in length and plump as can be. As I strode passed my terrace slider door, I noticed her flyin' in particularly close. She darted super close to the screen door, but then took off in the opposite direction, only thing, large as she was, I didn't actually see her fly off into the distance, she just disappeared, vanishing into thin air.  The p