Respect the Queen Bee

I can't say that I am a afraid of insects; I respect them and the job that they do to keep our ecosystem going. You have to; we wouldn't be where we are on this planet without their help to some given degree. 

There are those that definitely creep me out: the ones with shifty compound eyes or a multitude of legs that enable them to scurry away at lightning speed (#centipedes), ya . . .those ones!

I don't typically give insects much thought until one crosses my path in a way that I simply have to take notice. Well, this particular midday, she caught my attention: Ms. Queen Bee. She was probably a full three quarter inches in length and plump as can be. As I strode passed my terrace slider door, I noticed her flyin' in particularly close. She darted super close to the screen door, but then took off in the opposite direction, only thing, large as she was, I didn't actually see her fly off into the distance, she just disappeared, vanishing into thin air. 

The previous day I had been at the pool and upon returning, had laid out a pair of black bikini bottoms on a flimsy wooden clothes rack set up in the corner of the terrace. Did Her Highness decided to make that her destination? I slid the screen open and cautiously approached, glancing on top of the suit bottoms, then bending over and looking underneath. Nothing. I squinted my eyes and furrowed my brow. I replayed the scenario in my head; I know she had not flown away; I would have seen that. So, I cautiously once again went over to the bikini bottoms and lifted up the fold of fabric. Low and behold, there was Queen Bee, nestled in a crease. The curious thing, is that she had no intention of leaving, in fact, she seemed to look at me from her dark, little haven and say, "Honey, I am stayin' for a bit, could you please close the door, behind you?" 

What I found most curious about this, was that this lovely Queen Bee appeared fearless of me, and seemed simply was looking for a place to rest for the evening, for bees tend to become dormant at the end of the day. She had no intent of leaving this safe, little haven. When I went to check on her periodically, I found her either just laying still or simply shifting a little. She didn't seem alarmed or in need of an escape route. This queen was just hanging out, catching her breath. She seemed to be saying to me she could do whatever she wanted and be wherever she wanted because she was, after all, the Queen Bee. This insect, the size of my thumb, had now gained all of my respect. 

She wasn't lost; she had chosen where she wanted to be. Like me.
She didn't need protecting; she could take care of herself. Like me.
She earned respect; her colony trusted her guidance. Like mine.
She endures time through ups and downs; she survives long in years over her colony. Like me.

If you follow my blogs at all, you know I am about to equate this to real life. 

The more I contemplated this beautiful insect, who made my bikini bottoms her temporary lair, the stronger a connection I began to feel with her. Strange, I know, but she represented this calmness, and power. She knew she needed rest and despite my disturbances, she was determined to get it! I envisioned her colony keeping to their busy work, yet perhaps wondering where she might have gone, All the while, she knew she had instilled a purpose in them like none other, and they had no desire to halt their work of collecting pollen even with her absence. This made me think of my own family, my colony.  I know they knew I was in the place I needed to be. I know they are well aware that I can take care of myself. I know they respect me and know will always be here to guide them through life if need be.  I know they see I can handle all that life sends my way; the highs and the lows.

This Queen Bee taught me a lesson in life and I thank her for that, and I know our paths will never cross again, but I know for a fact that whenever I do see a Queen Bee, I will be reminded of this fabulous incident that marked yet another point in my life. God save the Queen Bee.



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