

It happens. When we give ourselves so little self-worth and allow ourselves to be treated with little or no respect. Garbage.

When we are lied to, mislead, cheated on, and feel mentally trapped in these feelings. Garbage.

We eventually convince ourselves that being treated this way is okay. We simply accept it and begin believe this about ourselves, feeling useless and discarded. 

We begin to speak this message to ourselves. And we convince ourselves that it's alright to have this mindset, that perhaps somehow we are deserving of this label or, this treatment from someone. What a travesty! Who would allow this?! We shouldn't. 

I did.

This feeling becomes all encompassing; it alters your behavior. It consumes you without you even realizing it. Almost like wearing a fake smile that you unknowingly flash for people all the time, when inside of you the pain is so real that it feels like it's crushing your heart. Afterall, isn't it truly just a matter of the heart? Isn't it about the love and respect and the lack thereof? The more you allow yourself to be present with the people who make you feel like garbage, the more detrimental it is to your well-being. You convince yourself that no matter what, at least they will like you and want to be with you.You've turned yourself into garbage in your eyes...and theirs.



Even worse is the person you allow to put you in this position. They know the way they're treating you is wrong; they wouldn't want to be treated this way, but if you're allowing it, and you make it easy for them, well...this is how you will be treated. Garbage,

If you do not stand up, take stock, and place value in yourself, than who will. When you begin to see yourself as garbage, your sending a clear message to the person that their behavior is okay. With no true support, no value given, and most likely no genuine love reciprocated, that makes you easily discardable. They know it and you also know it.
Look in the mirror. You've lost your value. Go reclaim it. Find your true self (and not at the dump)!




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