In The Trenches

I have to admit, there are times for me over the past few months when I have been completely unfocused. Lately, this has become the norm. I have placed myself in the "entrepreneurial trench", and trust me, there's a lot going on down here! Even though with an image of a trench, one  conjures up thoughts of solitude and isolation, I did not realize how much the outside world would effect my little world down in this proverbial trench...until it did. 

I am not only am I working on myself and accepting the changes to myself as they appear, but overall, I am working for change and growth in others apart from me outside my trench. I am working so hard in my little space down here, so that ultimately my "work" touches, shifts, and positively impacts those who need it in my present circle and beyond.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, being in the trenches means a place or situation where people do difficult work. Ya...that would be it; that would also be the Victoria Writer's Blog definition.

These are the following things I have recognized as being part of my daily grind.

#1 Accountability: I have discovered over the past year, with global economic and pandemic shifts, that I perform better with accountability. I will work harder in the trenches when I know I have people keeping me on track. This has not always been present in my work ethic, but I have never been at this level of entrepreneurship. This is NOT for the faint of heart and the hustle is real. Do what you say you are going to do!

#2 The Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): The fear of missing out scares me, and I never like being in this position. I avoid it at all costs. The proverbial dragging of my feet. FOMO will keep you in a dark place. Break out of it!

#3 CEO: Recognizing that I am one, and I need to f*&%ing act like it. If your in charge, than BE in charge.

#4 Socializing: Although I do not feel like it at times, I know it's necessary. You must communicate properly in and out of the trenches.

#5 Head Down: If you want to excel, you need to keep your head down and do the work. Don't focus on that it may not be what you want to be doing or where you want to be. Focus on the task at hand. Keep your objectives crystal clear. Fight the battle and climb out of that trench with success clutched in your hand.

Today, I leave the trench no worse for wear. Though my battle continues, I have conquered my fears.



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