
Showing posts from February, 2021


  It happens. When we give ourselves so little self-worth and allow ourselves to be treated with little or no respect. Garbage. When we are lied to, mislead, cheated on, and feel mentally trapped in these feelings. Garbage. We eventually convince ourselves that being treated this way is okay. We simply accept it and begin believe this about ourselves, feeling useless and discarded.  Garbage. We begin to speak this message to ourselves. And we convince ourselves that it's alright to have this mindset, that perhaps somehow we are deserving of this label or, this treatment from someone. What a travesty! Who would allow this?! We shouldn't.  I did. This feeling becomes all encompassing; it alters your behavior. It consumes you without you even realizing it. Almost like wearing a fake smile that you unknowingly flash for people all the time, when inside of you the pain is so real that it feels like it's crushing your heart. Afterall, isn't it truly just a matter of the heart