
Showing posts from February, 2022

Walls: You In or Out?

 I'm not proud to say that this has been an ongoing issue with me...this "putting up a wall thing". However, I am proud to say that I now recognize this about myself and that's a superb start.  As I began to dig deeper into myself over the past eight months and become more connected spiritually with God and also the Universe, I began constructing a whole new type of wall; a transparent one! People (friends and family) could see my actions and my day-to-day, but heavily-weighted opinions were no longer being accepted. Afterall, was my journey, my life.  I began to grow more confident, knowing that my choices in life were solely mine to make. They did not need to be explained to people, or justified. What I was doing was for the betterment of me . . . just  me. I could do this on my own, but if I needed assistance, opinion, or direction, I knew where to turn ( those resources have also shifted).  And no, that doesn't make me selfish; it just mean that I'm now be