
Showing posts from April, 2022


Did you ever take a good long look at a tree?  Like a really long look?  In trees like the American Oak (there are over two dozen varieties of oak, btw) it almost seems as if their branches defy gravity. How did they get that strong to just grow out horizontally and stay like that for their lifetime?  I'm a nature girl, so I notice these things.  I like to lie down under trees and look up (see inserted photo taken in Burlington, VT at Lake Champlain a few years back). Mother Nature is amazing; I feel blessed to be able to enjoy all that she places in my path. Back to the tree thing. I often run my fingers along tree trunks when I have the opportunity. I am also super tactile and I connect better when I touch. I believe on some level that it helps me understand the world around me better.  The point I am wanting to share with you in regard to tree branches is that not only do they demonstrate strength, but they grow in the manner that allows them to be able to provide optimal sunli