Did you ever take a good long look at a tree? 

Like a really long look? 

In trees like the American Oak (there are over two dozen varieties of oak, btw) it almost seems as if their branches defy gravity. How did they get that strong to just grow out horizontally and stay like that for their lifetime? 

I'm a nature girl, so I notice these things. 

I like to lie down under trees and look up (see inserted photo taken in Burlington, VT at Lake Champlain a few years back). Mother Nature is amazing; I feel blessed to be able to enjoy all that she places in my path. Back to the tree thing. I often run my fingers along tree trunks when I have the opportunity. I am also super tactile and I connect better when I touch. I believe on some level that it helps me understand the world around me better. 

The point I am wanting to share with you in regard to tree branches is that not only do they demonstrate strength, but they grow in the manner that allows them to be able to provide optimal sunlight for their leaves. It takes a great deal of time for a tree like the American Oak to mature; 35 years on average for it to provide all that it needs to for it's overall health and stability. Your don't see it in the short-term, but you do see it in the long-term. For example, when you return to your childhood home or town, you'll see the change overall growth in the long-term. Smaller trees at the time, now cover yards and expand over streets. Beauty abounds. During that time, the tree provides nourishment, shelter, and comfort for the animal world along with beauty, sustainability (wood products), as well as comfort (shade) for us. Trees are amazing and I am grateful for them. 

Ponder this. If trees simply grew vertically and never branched out, would we benefit as much as we currently do? Do they not serve a much better purpose shading the ground? Where there is shade, there is less dehydration and hence, more grow. Not only do we benefit, but animals as well benefit from the cover they provide. 

As I typically do, I am reflecting on how this all relates to my life and the course that I am on now. 

Growth is important.  Providing support for others is important. "Branching out" and not staying in one place impacts those around us. takes time and patience. You don't see it happening. It just is "happens". 

Be the mighty tree. 



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