
Showing posts from May, 2018

Stumbling to Falling

During our journey in life, we stumble from time to time; it just happens. Sometimes we are able to catch ourselves and recover, but other times we cannot and we eventually fall down.  Events will cross our paths and decisions will need to be made. It's the hard ones that cause us to stumble.   Life is tough and decisions are tougher. The decisions we make keep us on our given yellow brick road , or direct us to a new one and it can either be smooth or mottled with ruts and obstacles causing us to serve or sometimes land in a ditch off to the side. Sometimes there are people placed in our path and we have to avoid hitting them as well.  No journey or even its destination is going to be free of imperfections and you should never expect that it will be. You will remain steadfast and strong as you travel down your yellow brick road if you remain focused . This is based on the individual, for it's determination that makes each of us unique and despite stumbling...we persever

Like a Magnet (Pole Dancing)

What fascinates me is the unfailing push and the pull of it.  It's both the reaction of the repelling and the gravitational pull that I feel can be justified in love relationships as well. Like poles, be it positive or negative, will forever push away from one another. There are commonalities...maybe too many. They're consistent in their reaction, yet there is an invisible force field that keeps them separate. It is unseen, but you can feel it and sense it's presence. The attraction is there without a doubt, but it simply cannot come into fruition unless something changes.  There exists the repel , the caution , the fear of it, and finally the attraction , if it is mean to be. When a person (magnet) pushes away from the other, two things may occur.  The person being pushed away will become exhausted and give up, thinking that the relationship was not meant to be, for it was clearly one-side and they will accept the "pushing" for rejection. Pursuit will cea

Fearless of the Waves

POEM #1   08/21/14 Waves I felt their presence from far away.  I felt nerves...the fleeting kind.  I didn't see them coming at me, but they were there and then they were gone.   My thoughts were scattered.  I saw them approaching in the evening, slowly, but I took no heed.   I flirted with them, daring them to crash on me...why would they? They could NEVER reach me.  Then came the roar, the crashing, the undertow.  I was submerged, but I was okay for the moment.   It was a curious world here under the waves. There was time to think...definitely, time to think.   I could handle it. I was okay But I knew I belonged, not under the waves, but flying in the air...soaring. I had momentarily stopped flying and stood still on the ocean floor.  Not swimming, not flying, not moving .  24 hours of thought and stillness.  Not moving was exhausting and I truly felt I was a better at being a flyer.  I had always been afraid of the what was contained in t