Fearless of the Waves

POEM #1   08/21/14
I felt their presence from far away. 
I felt nerves...the fleeting kind. 
I didn't see them coming at me, but they were there and then they were gone.  
My thoughts were scattered. 

I saw them approaching in the evening, slowly, but I took no heed.  
I flirted with them, daring them to crash on me...why would they? They could NEVER reach me. 

Then came the roar, the crashing, the undertow. 
I was submerged, but I was okay for the moment.  
It was a curious world here under the waves.
There was time to think...definitely, time to think.  
I could handle it. I was okay

But I knew I belonged, not under the waves, but flying in the air...soaring.
I had momentarily stopped flying and stood still on the ocean floor. 
Not swimming, not flying, not moving
24 hours of thought and stillness. 
Not moving was exhausting and I truly felt I was a better at being a flyer. 

I had always been afraid of the what was contained in the ocean and therefore, I never explored it.  
Flying was my thing! Not flying to escape, but flying to live. 
I plan to keep flying and embrace the unique perspective that soaring provides the soul.  

Soaring over the waves is my destiny. 
Feeling their spray on my face.  
A view like none other.
I will carry the waves with me in my soul.

POEM #2  09/09/14
Big Not Small
Something so vast can swallow you whole.
You get lost in it, at the sight of it, or at least it feels that way.
Totally immersed in the waves and deafened by the roar...scared.
Thoughts tossing about in your head and confused by your location.

Me? I'm the opposite of all of this. BIG, makes me stand up straight, arms stretched open wide, ready...
Hair tousled by sea-salt.The waves always coming at me, crests falling at my feet, my legs, my waist, I am drawn in.
It's hard to turn away.  The spray on my face inches me closer to BIGness.

How far will they take me? How far will I let them?
They taunt and tease. I gaze over them and think. I recognize the BIGness for what it truly is. I stand sure-footed on shore and am only afraid deep down inside where no one can see.  Quiet longing for a distant shore.  It beckons. It is BIG and I am Not Small. 

POEM #3  05/04/18
But what those waves did not know was that I had been close to them the entire time.
I was watching them.
Listening to them.
Inhaling them.

I had conquered them in the past despite being lost 
and helpless at the time.
I stood my ground and found my footing.
No longer was I tossed about.
I stand firmly planted.

Once fearful, now embracing and sought out. 
The waves beckon me and their laughter fills me up. 

I see past them and see my future.
I now understand that they are guiding me.
I embrace their power and harness it as my own.
I move rhythmically with their ebb and flow. 
I want to.
They sweep me out and away to conquer greatness in this world.



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