Stumbling to Falling

During our journey in life, we stumble from time to time; it just happens. Sometimes we are able to catch ourselves and recover, but other times we cannot and we eventually fall down.  Events will cross our paths and decisions will need to be made. It's the hard ones that cause us to stumble.  

Life is tough and decisions are tougher. The decisions we make keep us on our given yellow brick road, or direct us to a new one and it can either be smooth or mottled with ruts and obstacles causing us to serve or sometimes land in a ditch off to the side. Sometimes there are people placed in our path and we have to avoid hitting them as well. 

No journey or even its destination is going to be free of imperfections and you should never expect that it will be. You will remain steadfast and strong as you travel down your yellow brick road if you remain focused. This is based on the individual, for it's determination that makes each of us unique and despite stumbling...we persevere and continue. 

The challenges we face and the manner in which we stumble (and sometimes fall) is what makes us who we are and how we grow as individuals.

No one likes to stumble or trip, but it can happened when you have too many things going on at once in your life. Our focus gets pulled out and stress sets in, hence, the stumble. We can sometimes get sloppy with our goals when we stumble. If we are not able to shift or adjust a heavy load that we have chosen to carry, we lose our sure-footedness and BAM, we fall. 

And when we fall, there is a good chance that we want to quit, or give up on our goals because they are too hard, or the support isn't there. You may need help getting up, so it is important to have those around you that "get" where you are going and are cheerleaders as you progress. These are the people who will pick you right up after a fall and dust you off per se. 

They may, however, witness you stumbling and will even allow you to fall, but they'll still be there. They will swiftly lift you up and set your straight back on your course because they know and understand that your course is true.

NEVER TURN AROUND! Once you have made up your mind on what you want your goal and destination in life to be, why the hell would you turn around? Go for it! Keep putting one foot in front of the other. 

Stay on your course, your path, your yellow brick road; your destination awaits you, dear.



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