
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Mighty Moat

moat / mōt / noun noun: moat ; plural noun: moats 1. a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, ort, or town, typically filled with water and intended as a defense against attack. I protect what I have with intense, unmatched ferocity. What I see in my life as needing personal protection against attack are my family, my hard-earned skill sets, and my heart .  A vision that comes to mind when I reflect on the level of how I protect what is important to me is one of warding off a bear attack.  Me: 5'2" Bear: 8'5"  Would I put myself directly in harms way if my family were at risk? Absolutely! I would, however, take all measures to not find myself in a situation such as that (that is where the moat comes in). Actually, you will probably never find me camping in the middle of the Adirondacks cooking steaks on a grill deep in bear country. But I would take whatever steps are necessary to protect what is critically important to me if a b

The Green Eyes Have It

My eyes are green. In truth, actually, they're hazel, but they may appear green at times because the melanin in the iris changes. I think it's cool when my eyes turn green; I embrace this feature about me.This usually occurs when I've consumed a bit too much alcohol to drink. Yes, this is when my eyes will inevitably turn bright green. I take note of this if I am out and will always make a point to check in the restroom mirror, just to confirm my green-eyed "happiness". I always smile when I see my reflection staring back at me. My eyes also turn bright green when I cry. Maybe the saline in the tears affects the melanin? I don't know, nor does it matter. It's just simply a thing that happens. Otherwise, they're just plain hazel (i.e., a mixture of green and brown). Many have heard the saying " green-eyed monster " when referring to jealousy. The idiom dates back to the 16th century to the time William Shakespeare's Othello . Over