The Mighty Moat

  1. 1.
    a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, ort, or town, typically filled with water and intended as a defense against attack.

I protect what I have with intense, unmatched ferocity. What I see in my life as needing personal protection against attack are my family, my hard-earned skill sets, and my heart

A vision that comes to mind when I reflect on the level of how I protect what is important to me is one of warding off a bear attack. 

Me: 5'2"
Bear: 8'5" 

Would I put myself directly in harms way if my family were at risk? Absolutely! I would, however, take all measures to not find myself in a situation such as that (that is where the moat comes in). Actually, you will probably never find me camping in the middle of the Adirondacks cooking steaks on a grill deep in bear country. But I would take whatever steps are necessary to protect what is critically important to me if a bear did meander by and became aggressive. I would protect at all costs. I think most of us are like this to some degree.

I have "built my castle" and physically relocated three times now while overseeing my small kingdom. I guard it with my life. I sit within its dark walls at times and think, reflect, and plan. I have grown exponentially from my actions over the past six years. 

I am protective.
I am protective of my heart.

I have not only constructed impenetrable fortress walls, but also a moat. Yup...a murky, "Ew, don't fall in that thing!" moat.The sole purpose of it is to protect my over-sensitive, beating heart, for it's my heart that I feel needs the most protection. Without it beating strong and singing lightly, I am unable to function at my best,

Inviting people inside my castle is an act I give a lot of thought to. I overthink it, actually. No surprise there. I keep my circle of friends tight because I require them to know me best and to deal with my idiosyncrasies. I pull these friends closest because I often need them to breathe life back into me, and provide unwavering support.
They also do.

The drawbridge over my moat (my heart) is mighty and wide and also inviting. It draws people in, perhaps as does my heart. Once across, all is transparent and true. They have entered a comfort zone where ideas and personal growth flow freely; a place where sparks fly and connections solidified.

But that moat...beware!
Do you have the courage to cross?



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