The Green Eyes Have It

My eyes are green. In truth, actually, they're hazel, but they may appear green at times because the melanin in the iris changes.

I think it's cool when my eyes turn green; I embrace this feature about me.This usually occurs when I've consumed a bit too much alcohol to drink. Yes, this is when my eyes will inevitably turn bright green. I take note of this if I am out and will always make a point to check in the restroom mirror, just to confirm my green-eyed "happiness". I always smile when I see my reflection staring back at me.

My eyes also turn bright green when I cry. Maybe the saline in the tears affects the melanin? I don't know, nor does it matter. It's just simply a thing that happens. Otherwise, they're just plain hazel (i.e., a mixture of green and brown).

Many have heard the saying "green-eyed monster" when referring to jealousy. The idiom dates back to the 16th century to the time William Shakespeare's Othello. Overall, it represents and reveals a human emotion that has the capability to consume one's thoughts and make one display erratic, often raw. behavior.

I realized not too many years ago that for most of my life I was lacking the attention I desperately needed.This attention was lacking during my childhood and also within my long-term marriage. In fact, at the time, I didn't even realize it was truly lacking, but when I did, however, I had almost completely given up on seeking it. I just didn't know, nor did I understand what I was missing. Briefly, I received the attention I needed. It had entered into my life, yet in an instant, she appeared, that green-eyed monster. I felt secure one moment and then the next, I was a whirling dervish of confusion and questioning. Years of not having an inkling of this emotion and now suddenly experiencing it. This is a work in progress for me and I long for the day when she goes away for good.  NOT YET...



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