
Showing posts from July, 2020

Piñata Life

H ave you ever been to a child's birthday party and there was a pi ñata  hanging from a tree branch in the yard or from a beam inside the garage?  Pi ñatas  simply generate a lively atmosphere where people tend to be more boisterous  and often make fools out of themselves. There's great  anticipation and  excitement in the air and not just from the kids attending the party, but from the adults as well, because you know, you know , they also want the opportunity to take a swing at the colorful, swinging celebration object. What a coveted move to be the lucky one to crack it open! But for me, there is something more intriguing about  p iñatas . Now, truth be told, I've only ever had the opportunity to hit a p iñata once in my lifetime, yet I am about take this fun childhood activity and relate to life (as I so often do) ;  life with it's fears and expectations that we all experience at times. So, here goes my interpretation. The p iñata scenario is as follows: 

Red Door Attitude

Sometimes you just get in a certain way, right? You know, the mood you can't seem to shake? When everything around you is swirling with heavy "stuff", and you can't seem to escape it or free your mind from it? We've all been there. Sometimes, I find myself just searching for an mental escape route; a retreat of sorts where I can free myself from the negativity and the pressure I often let consume me.   There's too much to do. I can't focus on anything. I don't want to deal with that client right now. I don't want to organize that eyesore of a disorganized bookshelf.  I don't want to learn something new right now.  Why do I keep putting all this junk into my body?  I don't want to call the airline about my flight. I don't have the energy to be that cheerleader (again).  Ya . . . those are just some of the things that put me in one of those moods. Before I continue, let me preface with a statement on my belief of Universal