Red Door Attitude

Sometimes you just get in a certain way, right? You know, the mood you can't seem to shake? When everything around you is swirling with heavy "stuff", and you can't seem to escape it or free your mind from it? We've all been there.

Sometimes, I find myself just searching for an mental escape route; a retreat of sorts where I can free myself from the negativity and the pressure I often let consume me.  

There's too much to do.
I can't focus on anything.
I don't want to deal with that client right now.
I don't want to organize that eyesore of a disorganized bookshelf. 
I don't want to learn something new right now. 
Why do I keep putting all this junk into my body? 
I don't want to call the airline about my flight.
I don't have the energy to be that cheerleader (again). 

Ya . . . those are just some of the things that put me in one of those moods.

Before I continue, let me preface with a statement on my belief of Universal Law and the Law of Attraction. I do believe there exists a higher power that guides us on the path that we were meant to follow. I believe that all we desire is out there waiting for us, and with positive thoughts, we can speak our desires into existence and have them materialize into reality. I am a positive person and try my best on a daily basis to exude that energy from my being.

But . . .

I'm a very visual person. Thoughts become more concrete in my mind when I can actually see something in front of me. And sometimes, just sometimes, there's a visual that catches my eye and will change my whole outlook on the day. 
                               In comes the RED DOOR!  

This is it; it's this red door. It's this very tangible visual that stands out like a shining beacon for me, always there looking at me from across the street. It's able to shift my energy with it's aura and hold my focus. If a door could be personified, I swear this one would be whistling Dixie! When I glance upon this red door throughout the day, I feel an immediate energy shift and a sense of stabilization. It becomes my focal point when I have the good fortune to work outside at my little tiled table.

There is the secrecy that surrounds this beautiful vision which adds a sense of magic to the whole scenario. The secret is that this red door, set squarely on the front of it's house, is seasonally (summertime) obscured . . . and this to me, makes it even more endearing. I have to honestly say, this sensational red door is like a present for my soul. 

I hope that you also have a red door in your life that, in a blink of an eye, shifts your attitude. 

Enjoy your red door day!



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