Piñata Life

Have you ever been to a child's birthday party and there was a piñata hanging from a tree branch in the yard or from a beam inside the garage? Piñatas simply generate a lively atmosphere where people tend to be more boisterous and often make fools out of themselves. There's great anticipation and excitement in the air and not just from the kids attending the party, but from the adults as well, because you know, you know, they also want the opportunity to take a swing at the colorful, swinging celebration object. What a coveted move to be the lucky one to crack it open!

But for me, there is something more intriguing about piñatas. Now, truth be told, I've only ever had the opportunity to hit a piñata once in my lifetime, yet I am about take this fun childhood activity and relate to life (as I so often do)life with it's fears and expectations that we all experience at times. So, here goes my interpretation.

The piñata scenario is as follows: 

blindfold on: the first step and probably the scariest. you're afraid of falling. you're afraid of getting hurt. you're afraid of looking stupid.

the spin around: although your sense of direction is off, stop, be still, and you'll get your bearings back. focus on the result you're seeking.

wild flailing: continuous swings and misses. with each swing and miss, people lose faith in you, and you lose faith in yourself.

jackpot:  you land the hit! it's everything you wished for: a cascade of sugary paradise. everyone is a little disappointed it wasn't them, but everyone is happy for you; everyone benefits from your relentless efforts.

This represents my comparative piñata to life journey from start to finish. From the generation of an idea, to anxiousness, stumbling and self-doubt, and finally, thanks to never-ending persistence, you reach your goal, and it's nothing short of sweet success. Enjoy your prize!



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