"Got Value"

value (n) - the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

To everyone, value means something different. It's different for the variety of things that it represents (e.g., material things or the intangible).  People place value on their cars, their homes, their sneakers, their parking spaces. Most things are valued in some way shape or form by somebody, but still this value varies from person to person.  

Other people tend to value their skill (e.i., talent, gift) or skills which they may have. You know when you are good at something. You like to nurture it, grow it into maturity, and grow from it.  

Time. Yup...totally valued. People can be very protective of their time because of it's sheer diminishing nature.  Once it's gone, it's gone. You will never get that moment back.  

Spend your time wisely.  Idling away your time may be your personal choice. That simply means that you are placing enough value in yourself to give time to yourself. Self-value. Infinitely important. We have all encountered people who "steal" our time away.  They talk too much, tell you things you are not interested in, or just like to hear themselves talk, hence, wasting your time. 

But, you cannot, CANNOT, place a value on friendship. You know the ones and you know the feeling. It's strong connection. They "get" you and vice versa. You never grow weary of these valued friendships and if you are lucky enough...they last a very long time. I have had friendships lasting over 20 years and form new ones all the time. There is a type of bond I call "fast friends" in which you feel the bond instantly, you just "click". You hang on their words, seek their advice, and grow from their knowledge. These are the friends that I place value on: they have become my inner circle.

My friends are my foundation. They in turn, give me value.




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