
Showing posts from October, 2018

In Sync

My senses have come alive the past few years, and I have been fortunate enough to recognize synchronicity with others who represent a strong place holder in my life. This feeling makes me feel solid and secure, so much so that I crave the feeling of synchronicity.  The most amazing thing for me is when I recognize it and do that proverbial head nod, and even at times utter a faint, "Wow".  Amazing how life works. I sometimes feel that I am being guided into people's lives. I have made several "fast friends" lately since I have been closer to the ocean.  It is here that I have felt me strongest AND my weakest.  Amazing! The flip-side for me here is when I feel something that I can't explain. An in-sync person gone topsy-turvy. This flips my ass into a highly emotion state; I become not myself and I hate that! I need to fix things. I need to understand. I need honesty. I feel it in my core when I am out of sync. I look for moon cycles. I look for mood cycl

The Jigsaw

Working on jigsaw puzzles was always a favorite pastime of mine thanks to my Nana. The atmosphere was serene and yet the "work" was intense, and you know what I mean by that if you are a puzzle doer!   You simply could not walk away; you just wanted to try to find one more piece to triumphantly insert. Puzzles drew me in, made me feel engaged, and like being pulled into an amazing book, puzzles brought be to a sort of Zen place.  As with other blogs, I found myself discussing a topic with a good friend and when I literally stated out load, "Man...that sounds like a blog." So, here it is: life is like a jigsaw puzzle . Why, you ask?  I think because I enjoy jigsaw puzzles so much from start to finish, that I can easily see each aspect of  the process as a step in my life's journey. 1. Picking out the ideal puzzle. I equate this to picking out the perfect partner. You search at length for something that is appealing to the eye, challenging, but not so m

Revolving Door

The other day while talking with a friend, I equated social media to a revolving door. I've always found revolving doors to be fascinating and yet intimidating at the same time (I will explain). There's a simplistic flow to the method by which they operate with their continuous roundabout motion. Even when the people occupying them have long stepped out, it keeps spinning. It is the person in it who ultimately sets the pace. The door itself is neither open, nor closed, it just remains in this limbo of a sort of dormant, inactive state. Social media is like a revolving door (putting my figurative language skills to use). I see endless spinning, endless motion, endless banter, endless likes, and endless hatred. It never stops; it just keeps going. Social media encompasses the same the "magic" of the never-ending spinning, revolving door. It's easy to stay on social media and to remain engaged because it never "closes". Seconds, minutes, even hours go