The Jigsaw

Working on jigsaw puzzles was always a favorite pastime of mine thanks to my Nana. The atmosphere was serene and yet the "work" was intense, and you know what I mean by that if you are a puzzle doer!  
You simply could not walk away; you just wanted to try to find one more piece to triumphantly insert. Puzzles drew me in, made me feel engaged, and like being pulled into an amazing book, puzzles brought be to a sort of Zen place. 

As with other blogs, I found myself discussing a topic with a good friend and when I literally stated out load, "Man...that sounds like a blog." So, here it is: life is like a jigsaw puzzle.

Why, you ask?  I think because I enjoy jigsaw puzzles so much from start to finish, that I can easily see each aspect of 
the process as a step in my life's journey.

1. Picking out the ideal puzzle. I equate this to picking out the perfect partner. You search at length for something that is appealing to the eye, challenging, but not so much so that there s disdain. A partner/puzzle that you enjoy revisiting and just hate to walk away from.  

2. Dumping out the pieces and turning them over. This is both and exciting task and an overwhelming one. I have a favorite in regard to this: the smell. With having major olfactory issues, I just love the smell of the fresh-cut cardboard puzzle pieces as they spill out from the sealed plastic bag that quality jigsaw puzzles come it. I love the messy, little cardboard pieces, not as much. This, for me, translates into the newness of a relationship. It's the feel of the smooth pieces and the enormity of the task of starting the puzzle.  It seems like a endless task...endless flipping and sorting similar to a new relationship. You work on the puzzle together.
3. Constructing the border. Also an exciting time during the puzzle-making process. The stage of planning and framing like in life and in a marriage. There are careers, buying a home, decorating, more planning, and children. When setting the foundation for your life, borders and guidelines are crucial. With a puzzle, you can't complete it without that border set.

4. Where to begin. Some people start with an easily identifiable  pattern in the puzzle picture. It is easier to group rosy, red flowers, or the grey, slate sections of a rooftop.  Your start with easy and work your way to hard.  Always. As such with things in life. Familiar to scary.  Marriage, finances, children are all scary to approach.  Spending time alone with that loved one is easy. Lazy Sundays, random chores. Easy. 

5. The excitement of nearing completion. Life moves on and the day-to-day flows. A solid life is built and well-constructed.  The puzzle is complete. All pieces in the correct place and not missing missing. Done.


There is divorce and you have to find a new puzzle. None seem right and instincts tell you not to settle for a picture that is not appealing, not one that is too difficult, nor not difficult enough. You do this one alone. You often lose motivation. It collects dust and takes up space. Some pieces fall on the floor. They make stay there for days, or even weeks. Then, unexpectedly, there is an interest. You can't get enough of that puzzle. You can't wait to complete it. It feels solid. Your become solid and whole with a defined border again. My puzzle awaits.



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