Revolving Door

The other day while talking with a friend, I equated social media to a revolving door. I've always found revolving doors to be fascinating and yet intimidating at the same time (I will explain). There's a simplistic flow to the method by which they operate with their continuous roundabout motion. Even when the people occupying them have long stepped out, it keeps spinning. It is the person in it who ultimately sets the pace. The door itself is neither open, nor closed, it just remains in this limbo of a sort of dormant, inactive state.

Social media is like a revolving door (putting my figurative language skills to use). I see endless spinning, endless motion, endless banter, endless likes, and endless hatred. It never stops; it just keeps going. Social media encompasses the same the "magic" of the never-ending spinning, revolving door. It's easy to stay on social media and to remain engaged because it never "closes". Seconds, minutes, even hours go by and you just can't log out. It's as if you can't step out, for you may miss something. But you won't. It's just keeps going round and round. I talking about revolving doors now? Social media? 
Or both?  There ARE similar, right?

To this day, revolving doors make me anxious. My heart races a little bit when I find myself approaching one. So many things race through my mind. "Will I trip? Will I bang my elbow? What if someone steps into the space behind me and I go too slow? Will I walk out gracefully?"  


Regardless, I get anxious. It moves fast and I overthink it and let it overwhelm me like social media. "Will I miss something? Should I respond? What if I don't, will I they be mad? Do I want or need to connect with this person?"  Overthink it.  

I choose less social media and pull-handle doors. These things suit me and there is a lot less spinning.  



  1. We invigorate the inanimate objects. On the other hand they stimulate us to get into motion.

  2. I do this all the time with objects...I can easily relate them to something that has happened, or something that is happening in my life. I love this!


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