
 Trying something out of your comfort zone is always scary. Always.

Trying something new that is outside the box of what people think is okay or normal, always gets a "look".  
But for me, it's what follows.  Their response is either going to be supportive, or unsupportive.   

Wreck you, or build you up.  

You want family to support you 100%, right?
Enter....reality. Enter...the Green-eyed Monster.  

Most are vocal, however, some are not.  Not at all.  It's the silence that, in this case, speaks louder than words. 

To over-dramatize it:
"I'm jumping off the cliff now."
End of conversation.  Really? Nothing else to say to me?
Get thicker skin.  Make the move.

Thanks, Non-reactors.  It's been great knowing ya! Too bad you don't know me.  



  1. Silence is deafening. But inner strength is unleashing. Ignore the silence and do some unleashing :-)

  2. Thank you so much! That gave me a new blog idea!


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