Where I Don't Want to Be

It’s that feeling again.  That antsyness that my true friends know I get.  They call me crazy, but they know me and support me anyway.  

I love my friends. 

They know when I get quiet that something is brewing. They know by my cryptic postings that something is brewing. One by one they check in.  “What’s going on? What’s new?” they ask tentatively.  I feel them bracing for my new news.  

I want to be somewhere else now.  I want to explore the next.  I will be different by choice. 

I have known for several years that sitting on my farmer’s porch rocking grandchildren in the home I had for 23 yrs. was not where I ever wanted to be…not what I saw myself doing. 


No thanks.

Bigger plans. 

ME plans.     STAY TUNED.



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