Positive Aura - Splinter Story

aura - the distinctive atmosphere or quality that seems to surround and be generated by a person, place, or thing.

This has been on my mind for a couple of days now and although I have been adding to the list of topics that I want to share about here and figured I would just work my way down said list, this particular blog trumps the rest at the moment, for there are no rules here. 

I make the rules. 
Leader Rules. 

So, I am writing about the energy that I feel swirling around me right now and how all I can and want to do is open the proverbial door and let it in. 

Bring it on!

I was in a lull..."stuck" for a few months; a recovery period of sorts. Now I have stumbled on to something new, yet realizing that whatever this is, has been there all along, just below the surface. Maybe like one of those minute splinters that you could not pry out from its lodging in your finger. yet, it was always there; it didn't hurt or even bother and only you knew it was there. Then, one day it just freed itself on its own and you utter, "Huh, finally. Thank God."  The reminder of it and how it got there are gone. A reminder of an event is no longer, but this action makes way and cleans the slate for the new...for the next.   

Was there some sort of energy field that removed the splinter? Maybe. The day-to-day activities, or the skin that has grown over it, and held it fast.  

I was feeling worn down, but am no longer.

The energy that is surrounding me now is like none other. It is almost as if i can feel and see myself shifting and changing...like in time-captioned film...still-frames.

My intent is to soak it all up and embrace those positive vibes that are now washing over me.  

I am gonna give it back...pay it forward. This is my personal mission and it's already begun.

Accept the love.


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