Testing the Waters

So, I nicely procrastinated all day to get myself  here to actually do this blogging thing.  My ultimate question is why, why did it take so long to get here?  Usually when someone is excited about doing something, it goes straight to the top of their priority list. I did this twice today already...jumped on something quickly to avoid doing something else. One, was a trip to the ocean to breathe in the wonderful smells and feel the sting of the breeze (and of course to hear the haunting calls of my fellow seagull friends). The other was to edit for a friend whose ideas seemingly set my wheels into motion. Regardless, I know exactly why it took me so long to get here...FEAR. This is the "unknown", the "wtf", the "who cares, anyway?".  I DO!  I want to be here. I want to do this. I want to feel alive. I WANT TO WRITE MY BOOK.  

I love secrets. I am good at keeping them. I love my own secrets, but will begin to reveal them here. This will undoubtedly be my heart and soul. It will all start here.   

I have many topics already written down to reveal here. So join me if you care, if you can, if you dare. 
Ask me where I am and I will tell you, "I am right here".

stay tuned. 


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