
The past couple of months I have been educating myself on the Universe. I find it utterly fascinating in all regards. I feel the connection, the vibrations and energy (as I have previously written about), and the power of  believing that I alone can and am responsible for changing my life. I love where I am now and I know I will love 10x more as I travel on this new path - my yellow brick road (also previously blogged about).

This brings me to the topic of my blog.  In addition to the Universe, I have discovered my Spirit Animal.  It was no surprise (actually it freaked me out a tiny bit) that my Spirit Animal is a seagull. Those who know me well, know why this freaked me out. Those who don't, well....here goes.

One year and five months ago, I planted myself up here on the Northern Coast of Massachusetts.  I had become smitten with the water, the smells, the laid-back lifestyle. It suited me and oddly enough, it felt like home over the course of the past few years upon visiting. I knew not a soul. I had no job. I chose to live in a community with approximately 1200 other people and seemingly that many dogs (grrr....). I immediately felt my soul settle. It was an exhilarating feeling. My friends knew and understood my thinking and had my back.

Immediately, I noticed the abundance of seabirds, most pointedly, the seagull. I believe somewhere on social media I posted back then that "they just aren't soaring around in great quantity here looking for their next dumpster meal, but they in fact LIVE here!"

They belonged here.
I felt I belonged here, too.

I see and hear them all day long...while driving, hovering over parking lots, at my school, when I am feeling down, when I am at peace.  They are a daily reminder of freedom and lightheartedness.

Their spirit, so I have read, represent productivity and creativeness when resources are limited.   
This is me.
Seagulls define their own space...make it their own and settle in.
This is me.
Seagulls respect others, but others must earn their respect.
Seagulls looks directly into the eyes of others and challenge to resolve issues. 
Also me.
Those with a seagull spirit are constantly challenging their own comfort zone and always seek people out for their knowledge.
The epitome of me. 

The scary part in all this is the fact that in my short period of time closer to the mighty ocean and until I learned my Spirit Animal was indeed the seagull, I had already formed an obsession with them.  I noticed them, I bought and acquired artwork that held their image.  I found a large feather one day along the sidewalk as I passed into my school building and now have it safely tucked away. I've been told I told I am capable of seagull-like screeches.

I am a C-Gull; I just know it. 


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