
I got one.  I definitely have a fetish (or two, or three).

I love paper. 
I love notebooks with endless pages of crisp lined paper inside.
I love bound writing journals.
I love mechanical pencils.
I love D'Nealian writing style.

I ain't gonna lie. (I know...that is several fetishes.)

Add ellipses... I overuse them now. An old friend introduced me to them years ago and now it's a habit I cannot seem to break.  
It's my style and I love it. Thank God I had finished my Post-Baccalaureate just months before.  Dr. Lowe would have killed me if she saw me writing like this! 

Those who know me well, know all about this "Paper Girl".  That's how I often refer to myself when speaking to others.  
I gotta print it out. I gotta have paper in my hands. I GOT to mark it up with pencil, red pen, and/or a highlighter (in that order).

Add libraries. Their smell and their dark, hidden corners.  Picking up an old poetry book (Pablo Neruda) on the deserted third floor of a historic city library.  Been there, done that. 

I've never read a word off of a Kindle. I don't ever plan to.

All of this has sort of turned into my style...all of it.    




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