
I have freckles.  
A lot of them. 
Head to toe.
Along my fingers and my toes. 
Seen them on my back.
Assuming on my ass as well.
Melanin at its best.
I love 'em!
Thanks, Mom!

Because of them, I am the epitome of uniqueness and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have always been fully aware of my freckles and can honestly say that they intrigue me. I would have to imagine that without being covered in them that I would appear pale and pasty.  I would hate that. 

These little, brown spots define my character, I think.  
Playful. Bountiful. Surprising. Fascinating. Ever-changing.

I feel that there is always one thing (at least) that a woman would love to change about her body if she possibly could.  I would ever trade away my freckles.  I don't regret that, for the most part, they are continuous up and down my body, almost as if my skin color as a whole has changed.  Hmm...

I think I will keep them. ;)  Each and every one.

Count them if you can.


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