Lay With Lions

Lions. Yup, lions. 

When I think of them, the following comes to mind: 
majestic, strength, cunning, focused, Africa, family, packs.  

From the little that I do know about them I learned from television. Born Free (1966), Elsa the Lioness, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. This is the picture I get in my mind. 

I don't really know too much about them, but with my stated thoughts above and looking back over the past month, I see it now. I feel it...the uninhibited energy.  I am in the thick of it and there is no turning back, nor do I want to. I now lay with lions. 

I am surrounded by majesty and such grandiose positive thoughts from others that I simply can't help but to feel in awe of the energy they exude. I feel like I have become alive and am running with the pack.  I see others movin' and shakin' and am confident in all that I want to do. Mostly, I feel the swell of the bond. The pack is a tight one. It needs to be and always will be.  The young lions (me) and the older established lions. Entrepreneurs...longing for freedom. Focused on the goal that was placed in front of them by their own doing. Ready to use our cunning, relentless.  I am new to the pack.  

The best thing about the pack, is the the respect.  I see and feel it across the board.  There is strength in numbers and we support each other and share "the kill"...the good fortune.  Share the ideas, network, think aloud. We are all cunning in some way and bring our own uniqueness to the table. There is pride within this pride.

We are on the move, but we are together as one. We conquer our goals and lift each other up, for running with the pack is exhausting physically and mentally for the young ones (me once again). Our legs and not as strong and our knowledge of the journey is still weak. We learn from the more experienced lions. They are patient and caring. We are family and our pride grows. 

I lay with lions.


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