
malleable (adj.) - 1.(of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking. 2. capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences.

I recently came across this word while reading You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero the other day. I liked its use in context and it did nothing short of resonating with me. So, here I am...posting its impact. Malleable.

I believe that there are two ways to approach this word; either in its physical sense, or in its mental sense.  The physical sense puts an image in my mind of armor in the form of brass. With gentle, yet forceful blows, its shape being transformed. Perhaps it's into something beautiful, or perhaps just into something different. The dents and and dimples give the form character, set it apart from others and allowing it to become unique and beautiful. That's the physical image. All the while, however, the chemical make-up and core, the soul, are not altered. 

The latter, the mental sense of the word malleable, is something startlingly different. The thinking is different and confidence is boosted along with the energy level and the overall positivity. There is a shift in clarity of the mind. I picture a sturdy shield being formed internally that is continuously battling the nay-sayers and the haters.

I have met the mallet. 
I am malleable.
I now don a new skin. 

My goals (which were always there just below the surface, btw) are now present, set, and doable. So, I respectfully ask that you step to the side and admire my malleableness, or step off.  I've got my tribe of nomads armed with mallets and ready to shape me into what they know I am fully capable of being. Bearing armor.




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