Mason Jar

Simplicity. This little jar suits me...attracts me.  I'm not sure what it is, but it's there. I beckons me to drink.

You know what you're getting when it holds your beverage. Iced, "un-iced", strawed or "un-strawed", things just taste better in this unobstructed, little container. I find it a little sassy.

I always felt it was a treat to be served a drink in one of these mason jars at a restaurant (not sure why...but I liked it) We've all seen them, held them in our grasp, and sipped.  I have never felt disappointed by what has been offered up in this magnificently, yet simply crafted piece of glassware.

Among other things, I am a tactile person.  Touch is not only necessary, but critical for me. I have often referred to myself as a "toucher".  People who know me have experienced this. Men, women, and children.  I love this quality about me. I feel it has always been received well. Speaking of senses...I often sense that this is the exact reason why I find myself partial to vessel.  There is the fact that it fits so well in my hand. I have little hands and am a person of petite stature. Although there are many varieties, the ones that I own have smooth squared sides which ultimately makes it easier to grasp.  There is often the lettering of original company scripted into the sides.  With my slight addiction to the cursive form of writing, all-in-all, this make the piece simply that much more appealing. Often molded into one of the sides are perfectly structured lines of measurement in the form of ounces (ozs.). I love this too. Some mason jars contain raised print on all four sides and some do not.  Some have pictures etched in of fruits that can me jammed or jellied, for this is the main function of the mason jar. Waxed metal covers sealed up tight that when opened, make that wonderful puckering sound (I just heard t while thinking about it).

Vintage mason jars were screw-topped. Most available today still are. The edge of the jar is perfect for sipping. There is a thread formation for the lip to wrap around, two layers if you have particularly lush lips. I like this part a lot.

Mason jars are simple and to the point. Refreshing. You know what you're getting before you taste it and it makes the taste that much better. The sensation is right there when raised it to your lips.



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