New Perspecive...On The Floor

I have been here before and I have no doubt that I will be here again.  There is just something about the venue. 

- Maybe because I am challenged by height and it is forever close that I feel drawn to it.

- Maybe the openness off the floor space is what attracts me.

- Maybe because it is just different and odd.

- Maybe because I simply think better down here.

- Maybe, just maybe, I with my new Universal way of thinking, I feel more grounded, more solid. I feel connected. It settles my restlessness. And I restless! "Antsy." I say that so often. I think I may even say it on a daily basis. 

My derrière just sits more squarely here. I imagine my sitz bones. I like how it all feels. I like the hardness and its harshness. It feels good to be down here low. feels great to be down here low!

The perspective intrigues me like I am in a whole new world. I notice the wood grain of my Amish bureau, the dust on the baseboard, the baby powder dusted across my yoga mat.  I breathe differently down here almost as if the air was clearer.  

My head is clearer. 

I will take this "on the down-low" perspective any day.  



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