Pro Dreams

Today it occurred to me why I prefer watching collegiate sports (e.g., basketball, football) over pro sports. Both can be intense, yes, but there is a different feel, for me at least, with watching collegiate sports. 

First and foremost, again, in my opinion, there is a certain level of respect for the opposing players that I do not seem to witness in pro sports. I have hardly ever seen any arguing, chortling, or dissing of the other team's players. This in and of itself, lifts my heart up. It's like they get the fact that their true efforts need to be in the game, in what they are doing, and in how they play as individuals.  These young men and women have worked themselves tirelessly to get where they are today on the court. That court is their HOME. It's where they feel they belong at that moment and they pour their hearts and souls out on to it. 

They want to. They have's their DREAM. They have the utmost respect for their dream and will nurture it into fruition.

This leads me directly into the second reason why I enjoy collegiate sports. These kids are big dreamers! They believe their dreams are 100% attainable with work hard, never giving up, and by surrounding themselves with positive people. They're in on the ground floor and have not yet begun to think that quitting is an option or that there is nowhere to go, but up. They might at some point; we all do at some point.  

I find their kind to be remarkably inspiring. I am currently inspired. I am on a team that endlessly inspires me. We support, encourage, and by all means...D-R-E-A-M!

Sleep well.


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