
Dog-earing pages of books has become a simple part of how I read. It has always been something that I've done. Perhaps I did this as a student because I was too lazy to find a bookmark.  In fact, perhaps I continued doing it as an adult because I was too lazy to find a book mark, but no, it turned into something more. It was a method that made the book my own; it showed others that it was well-read and carefully ingested. This is how I do things. This is my way of focusing and showing my concentration. I dog-ear, I highlight, and I mark up with pencil (sometimes in red ink). All of this may drive some people crazy; I care not.

I never enjoyed reading much. I am not sure why, yet reflecting back on it now, I think because I was simply an "outdoors kind of girl".  I loved the out-of-doors growing up as a child. I loved the solitude it lent itself to. Tending to be shy, this was perfect for me. With having property that backed up to acres of woods and spending most of my childhood exploring the around my grandparent's property, I simply spent the majority of my free time outside.

It wasn't until later in life that I began to enjoy reading. Some fictional and now with a smattering of non-fiction as I teach myself about stocks, tangible metals, and most recently, cryptocurrency.  I have also a love of learning and as I put myself back through school to further my education, yes, all of my textbooks were also "nicely" marked up and dog-eared.

I like what dog-earing says about me.  I believe it not only shows that I read with intention, but that when things clearly stand out to me, I want to be able to go back and reflect on these points later. I realize now that my dog-earing method is mostly in regard to reading informational/expository books, although at times, I will still randomly do this as a way to simply hold my reading place.

My point here is that I value my reading and I value the knowledge that I am obtaining while reading.  My books to me are like treasures because in most cases, they have added some value to my life. They truly represent my essential parts... things I want people to remember.  If I were a book, I would carry a multitude of dog-ears within my "pages" with big and small folds.

I know myself, I know my self-value, and if I need to "check-in" because I need a reminder,...I got my dog-ears.



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