Flippin' the Switch

Sometimes, just sometimes, your prefer the darkness. You like how it feels...actually you don't, but it feels safe. You're protected and you get to decide how long you want to stay there in this darkened space. 

You're not depressed per se, it's just comfortable.  For me, it means I am definitely "hiding". I get to and sometimes I just need to.  I think you never reach an age where you stop discovering yourself.  I am in discovery mode still; major discovery me thinks.  

I know the light switch is right there on the wall. You know the one. You can reach out for it in the dark and your hand goes right to it every time...no floundering, you just NAIL IT.  And when you are about to flip it up, you prepare yourself. You almost wince and shut your eyes a little even before it comes on...even before you flip it.  

I think this represents life, or at least it does for me.  I like the lights off sometimes.  I often crave the darkness. There comes a time however, that you know, even though you don't want to, that you have to flip on that light. It's not so much that your fears are in the darkness, but it's that your fears in the the light...in the starkness of it all. Now you have to face it.  It's not easy at times, but I have learned that if you don't flip on the switch, you will never find your direction. You will stumble and bump into things. You will not see your amazing reflection in the mirror AND you will not
see your true friends who are there to support you.  

Flip that switch!


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