Approaching Life with Chopsticks

People who know and have embraced my uniqueness know that whenever I can I eat with chopsticks.

First, it was just for practice; it made me feel "cultured".  I liked holding them. Then, it turned into something more, as passions often do (passion is a strong word...please substitute for obsession).

And as with many things in my life, a little pair of chopsticks started to represent something more and as I ate my eggs this morning with a pair, it got me thinking about what they represent.

First, when I eat with chopsticks, I eat more slowly and with purpose and more thoughtfully and selectively. Precision is required.
So, what does this mean?  
I can honestly say that I can apply this to my life. 
I am using a proverbial pair of chopsticks on life now.  
Although I am still practicing the tactful art of slowing down, I feel I have a clear purpose to my actions, hence, precision. I shoot less from the hip and am more thoughtful. I am honing my personal skills just like when using a pair of chopsticks.  My actions not only impact me, but also those around me. I choose to be more selective while using chopsticks...picking up just what I need and what food going into my mouth at the same time compliments each other. I am selective when dealing with smaller issues in my life. With chopsticks, it is often the stuff that's harder to pick up, but it's necessary.; You don't want to just leave it on your plate. This also applies to the the bigger tasks (food) and making sure they are grasped firmly and that I have control of them.

Is using chopsticks tedious at times?  Absolutely, but for me it builds patience along with skill.  I see it as a better method to
"filling up". My brain tells my stomach, "This is a good amount. This is enough to eat right now."  I eat less, yet I am adequately nourished. I am now viewing life this way. I focus on doable tasks. I still readily accept the challenges and things that are out of my comfort zone, but now I am approaching things with more thoughtfulness and purpose. 

Pick up the things in your life with a pair of chopsticks. 
Be selective, precise, and have a set purpose.



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