Building Your Nest

NEST  - this is a word I have been using lately to refer to when and where I crash at the end of the day. It's my happy place. My comfort zone. 

I love the image of returning to my nest at the end of the day. I would settle in with my "flock" and reflect and often unload my issues of the past 18 hrs of wake time. I think we all have a virtual nest. Who do you want there with you?  A friend? Family? Significant other?  Who is in that nest with you helping you close out the day? Consider carefully who you let into your nest. What is their value? Why do you specifically want them there?  

Our lives and where we choose to settle can be represented by something as simple as an image of a bird's nest. When birds construct their nest and we construct the foundations for our lives, there are similarities

It all starts from within...the building of it...the foundation.  The nest has to be the proper size, it has to be strong, and to be able to provide some degree of safety, but it all starts from the center...the core. You build it outwards from the inner depths until it adequately meet your needs. 

Birds don't go crazy with overkill when it comes time to building their nests. The process is ingrained; they instinctively know what size is necessary. In some bird species, both the male and female seek materials and they construct the nest together. 

For my virtual nest, which I built alone, the overall size is rather small. It barely allows room for anyone else to fit in and for the most part, it fits me just fine. I rarely invite others to roost here, for that would make it extra tight and uncomfortable (for me).  My wish is that in the near future to feel the need to relocate and be required to build a bigger nest, maybe on my own again, but this time making it more accommodating for others to join. Perhaps I may even be able to experience full partnership and construct my next nest based on companionship. But for now, I shall continue to quietly gather sturdy materials on my own.



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