Cardboard Box Platform II

This is a topic always resurfaces often for me. It refers to the cliché of “thinking out of the box”.  Most of us have all heard this expression before and understand its basic meaning. To me it means that there are certain type of people who are always, sometimes almost effortlessly, able to put a spin on things.They are able to “change it up” to suit their needs or to progress forward in the situation they're in.  I like these people. They are go-getters. Sometimes aggressive, sometimes not, but certainly assertive.  ME.

I like these type of people. 

But what I discovered today almost by accident as if in one of those like “aha” moments, was that there is a different category of this breed…a spin-off of sorts.  

I refer to this group as the “cardboard box  platform” people.  These are the folks who not only blow others away with their thinking and their actions, but literally destroy the box that we are all trapped (or choose to be) in.  

Envision if you will, a person, maybe you, standing inside of a box, say with the dimensions of 30”x30”x30” with flaps open. This person raises their leg and wham!, drops it down sharply on one corner and then the other, and the other, and finally on the last corner until what is left is a platform…a launching pad. Amazing!  Why is this amazing? Because these are the people who are going places, my friend. These are the people who show no fear, but know that without taking that chance, they will simply never know what their thoughts can truly become.  

I envision these people standing right next to each other like in a squad or a gaggle of geese. These “like” thinkers tend to congregate. They discuss and nod and sometimes even lose their breath as the other cardboard box platform people share their goals and the process it took to get there.

I like these people.

I am a Cardboard Box Platform person. 

cdl (original post 2.18.18)


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