Clearing of the Path

Oh, the walk. The walk along the path of life. The twists, the turns, the stumbling. When I think paths, I think, wooded paths.  Heavy on the trees, filtered sunlight, moss-covered rocks...yes, it's all there in my mind.  

Challenging thing is, I have a terrible sense of direction; the worst maybe. I even have trouble maneuvering a "walking" app on Google Maps. This is simply how it is and I will be the first to admit it without any shame, I suck at directions. It's when it comes to walking through the woods with options of multiple path options, even the clearly marked paths with map in hand, I am the most challenged. 

Yet, YET, being on these types of paths and in these exact scenarios creates an excitement in me that I crave. I love being in situations like this. I am not sure why. I think it's the feel of the sheer excitement of 1) trying something new, 2) taking a risk, and 3) knowing no matter what, things will always be okay.  It is all of these states combined that bring me fear, excitement, and contentment all rolled into one.

I envision the path I choose to be the one not so traveled upon. The one littered with leaves and various small sticks. Ever since I was little, I've always had a habit, while taking walks with my Nana when I was a girl, of picking up Mother Nature's debris that was across the path. I would randomly toss, rocks and sticks off to the side. I would also kick small batches of leaves to the edge. It  was ongoing work, but it made for easier travel. This was my method for clearing the path for the return trip. The effort was put out as I traveled to my destination and this in turn made for a smoother journey on the return trip.  

As always, I equate this to life: my life. My intuition has me following the harder path and I feel the strong desire to clear this path. I put the hard work in initially which enables me to have a swifter more effortless return trip. 

I gain wonderful, sustainable memories, strength, and insight as to the type of person I am striving to be.  I am clearing of the path to my true self. 



  1. I too have the worst sense of direction, ever. Add that to our list of similarities. I usually choose to take the unmarked path. Usually at the end there is great rewards.


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