On The Edge

Oh, that proverbial cliff...

You're right there. 
You've done the climb. 
You've put in the hard work. 
You've planned.
You've lost sleep. 
You've cried. 
You've questioned your very existence at times.

What the hell is left?
What are you waiting for? 

Do it! Just do it!

No...you step back from that edge. 

Going public. Launching your product. 
You know you're ready, but what?  What is it?

You're terrified.

What if it sucks?
What if you're wrong?
What if you prove you're incompetent? 
What if you don't?
How will you know?

You know who will be there for you.
You know they have witnessed all of the doubt and exhaustion. There is no doubt they have your back. They will watch your leap and they will catch you if you are unable take flight this time. 
And they will push you and push you and push you until your are ready to take that leap. They're patient, those your friends of yours.

And you forgot the most important thing...You possess a secret superpower that only one other person knows of...you have invisible wings. 
Yup. W-I-N-G-S! 

So do it! Leave your fears at the edge of that cliff and leap and SOAR! 



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