My Sea Urchins

I have an old friend who has always referred to his children as "urchins". I found this to be quite odd; a misplaced referral of sorts. But it grew on me and I soon started calling my own children (not anyone else's) urchins. It became such a natural term for me. I began using it in public forums and I found people got a chuckle out it. I think it conjures up an image of actual sea urchins, all small and colorful and spiny and such, being clustered and scattered along the ocean floor. Maybe, just maybe, this is what people found funny. Whatever it was, I liked using the term and it has stuck with me for now close to nine years. My urchins are adults now, yet I still continue to think of them as little sea urchins.

As life changes, situations change, as do focuses and life's goals. It hit me the other day (my inspiration for this blog) that I have been recently drawn to the ocean, as my previous blogs have referenced. It calms and comforts me. It engages me and puts thoughts in my head of moving forward, trying harder, and achieving more. That beloved salt water often pours from me and it is where I came from. With the definite stronghold that the powerful ocean has over me, it comes as no surprise that I will forever to this day now, refer to my children as urchins, for their true habitat is, after all, THE OCEAN. This in itself makes the term even that more endearing.

Today, there exists approximately 950 different types of sea urchins. This causes me to reflect on my own urchins. I "see" them in different colors and sizes because of their personalities, their overall body structures, and their staggered ages.  All of these features add to the visualization process for me, which is similar to that in nature. As my own urchins mature, they become more self-sufficient and are able to sustain themselves on their own. In my eyes, I also see them in a variety of colors and of varying hues. They are each unique and bringing their own value to this earth.

I am pretty sure I uttered a faint audible sound when I realized the other day of the significance that the term "urchin" plays in my life as well as the ocean. The mere thought of the amazing urchins which I have created from my own vessel to share the ocean of life with, simply astounds me.



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