My Third Trimester (not really)

For the past year, I have been referring to the time after I stop working, as my "afterlife".  I have not only been planning financially, but career-wise as well. What will I do? I have ideas.

It seems I have been forever a's just my nature. I never sit down and I never stop doing, working, or thinking about something. This is not some form of hyperactivity; my gears are just always turning in my mind. Even when I sit quietly, my mind is anything but that! I love to learn new things and especially take risks. Albeit, the "risk thing" is relatively new. I have made slow changes over the years and pushed myself to the point that I'm at now. I do something out of my comfort zone on a daily basis. This is why I am most excited about where I am now and what I am doing presently with my life.

It was not until recently, when I met a new acquaintance, a fellow teacher with a warm personality that I instantly took to. She was an ocean-lover like myself; lived in close proximity of it all her life. She was weathered and warm. She had also made the conscious decision to begin writing. This woman also follows Universal Laws as do I and we immediately felt in sync with her.

Our encounter was in a parking lot and we stood in conversation in the rain for close to half an hour. As we touched upon the subject of what we do, the conversation drifted towards our individual plans for our futures. I referred to my planning and preparing as my "afterlife", she referred to it as her "third trimester". I laughed at this and knew for sure we were on the same page. Her reference made sense, for she claimed that in the third trimester of pregnancy all the essential components are mapped out and ready to go, they just need time to grow and mature. It's all done, you just have to stay on track and nurture what you've created. When it's time, you will know and the rest will fall into place. You will have to chance to raise that "baby" you've dreamed of until your final breath.

I am in my third trimester.  :) 



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