Writing: The Cool Side of the Pillow

There is something to be said about being able to empty your thoughts on to a blank page. Whether it be with pencil or pen in hand, or with your fingertips gliding swiftly over a smooth keyboard, writing brings me to a place of complete sereneness; it calms me just as if it were a form of meditation. 

Writing offers me up two things I love, expressing myself in written form and editing my own writing to the point of where a tiny smile of satisfaction crosses my face. I call this the cool side of the pillow effect. 

When you lay your head down at the end of the day, perhaps there is a loved one there with you, or at least on your mind. You may have accomplished a lot during the day, or made real progress toward your goals. Regardless, you are content. 

I get this feeling when I'm writing: it's soothing. Words begin pouring effortlessly from my mind. It reminds me of when at the end of a long day I finally have a chance to collapse into my lair and recline. The cool side of the pillow affect fully occurs when you've made that final, little turn sideways to rest your cheek on the smooth, cotton fabric. It's cool and crisp and smells like you...familiar. There is extreme comfort there and you feel yourself quickly drifting off into a deep, peaceful slumber.  

Writing puts me in a state of mind that I relish. A comfort zone of sorts. I would like to stay here for a while on the cool side of the pillow...writing.



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