I feel like I am under construction. 

There's a lot changing around here.Walls are coming down, structures going up, tools being wielded; basically, there is controlled chaos. I love it!

I have shared with several friends recently that I have felt like something is happening with me. I have felt different, and I can't explain why or what it is exactly. I have been feeling an inner strength, but also overwhelmed and vulnerable at the same time. Well, bring it on, Universe! I am more than ready! I feel the Universe is definitely in charge, but I am the one who needs to have the plan ready to set forth. I feel that I do. 

I have a plan for my future which becomes clearer with every approaching day. I am taking my time and slowly putting my thoughts ans words into action. The planning itself is tedious and solitary, for I am the only one with the blueprint; it's all in my head only. There is lots of scrapping and starting again. A plan that made sense yesterday may not make sense the next day. That's okay...I have time for changes.

I am reconstructing myself and finally becoming the person I want to be. Some changes are minor, such as cutting my
hair short after 20 years and running on social media and platforms like this one. Other changes which are more major include my career changing, divorce, and moving for the third time in four and a half years. All of these changes say a lot about me and have made me stronger. They are good and I will embrace them. 

The work will be slow, but if done correctly and thought out well, I will end up with the steady foundation that I so need right now and going forward. The foundation is of the utmost importance. I can build upward from that point and understand my true self. This will not only serve a purpose for me, but those in my life will benefit as well.
I am under construction. Stay tuned. The doors will open soon.



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