Tidal Wave

The ocean represents unfathomable vastness. The shear power that it possesses and its unpredictability frightens me, yet at the same time, it completely fascinates me.  

A calmness washes over me when I can safely view the ocean from a distance. Physically being on the ocean is a totally different thing; it is something I do not relish. 

That's the irony, right there: intensely drawn to something, yet so very wary of it. What's with that? 

Why does this issue even exists for me? I don't recall anything bad ever happening to me when I was little in regard to water. Growing up, we hardly ever went to the beach, and hence, explains my lack of enthusiasm for the ocean for most of my life. Now that I have more control over my life and my actions. I am finding that the ocean is what I need most to settle me. Maybe this explains why I crave to be near it now. I love being near the ocean and now live within two miles from it. I can smell the ocean in the air on most days.

It's been year since I've actually been on the ocean. Oh, I may get in it and swim, but I am a "stick to the edge" kinda girl. It's been safe there at water's edge all this time, however, it's not exciting nor is it challenging. 

I felt my soul shift the past year and view the ocean differently now. I am confronting my fears...all of them. I am facing my self-worth, how I view myself, and what my perfect partner will look like. I seek strength and positivity in all of these things. So, I am letting the Universe guide me in a direction that she feels fit.

THEN THERE IS THE TIDAL WAVE. The powerful surge beneath the ocean controlled by the gravitational pull of the moon. This too is unexpected. Like so many other things, I equate this to life. You can't stop a tidal wave; you can't even avoid it. It comes for you and all you can do it brace yourself and let it occur. By staying on your normal path along the shoreline, you will not be able to avoid it. The only means to evade it is to quickly head inland and seek shelter. BUT what if this was not the path you were suppose to take? There is a reason the Universe has targeted you with a tidal wave; it's time for a change and a cleansing is long overdue. Let that salt water wash over you. Allow it to sink in.

The Universe will not let you fail, even though you may stumble and fall. This was meant to happen; you will see. The end result may scare you. Too bad...you're NOT in charge! Face your fears  and stare that tidal wave down.

I feel a tidal wave coming my way. 
I hear it's silent roar. 
I am planting my feet firmly in the sand, 
for this is where I belong.  




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