Know Your Self-Worth

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I believe, knowing your self-worth comes with age. There are the lessons we learn in life through our academic studies that help us grow mentally and expand our thinking. Ultimately, it's these lessons which help us progress in life by making our goals achievable.We never have to stop learning and growing. Self-worth, however, is something which comes from within and is the key component to who we are.

It's important to be clear on what self-worth actually is. You need to see the value that you have within you and respect that value. Make sure you truly love yourself. This is something I am still learning how to do. In fact, I think I never truly loved, nor respected myself fully until a few years ago. I see my self-worth more clearly now and even though it's hard at times, I try my best to uphold the value that I know I deserve. When I do "give in", I see it as a learning lesson and try not to beat myself up too much over it. I have come to trust myself, and I find I am able to now turn away from temptations, which in the long run, do not serve me well. I gave in a lot. Now, I don't. I am proud of myself for this achievement.

Your self-worth is all about understanding you. It can be lot to comprehend at times. It's not easy trying to figure out what truly fulfills you, what makes you happy, or what keeps your head in a positive space. Your self-worth burrows down deep to your core. It's the value you see in yourself, the respect you're entitled to from yourself, and the respect you deserve from others.

We are constantly giving our precious time away to those who simply cannot reciprocate and it is necessary to step back and understand when you give someone your time, it's also giving a piece of yourself away. If this makes you unhappy at the end of the day, reevaluate your self-worth and adjust how you spend your time accordingly. You need to have your own back on this one. This is core work!

Th feeling of self-worth comes from within; you can feel it in your bones. Your self-worth is knowing what is good for your and what you deserve. Accepting friends into your life who don't understand your thinking or your goals, but still having them present in your life, is not going to bring the right type of energy your way. Make those necessary adjustments...tweak a little!

Downfalls were present over the course of my life. I wanted to be liked. I wanted people to think I was smart. At times, I gave away too much of myself, so I would feel "liked and smart" around certain individuals. I forgot to reflect on my own self-worth. I forgot that it only matters what I think about myself and not what others think. 
I now understand how important it is to accept who you are and to like, yourself. I am slowly, bit by bit, wearing my self-worth like a badge on my chest; a badge only I can see. This is a powerful image for me. Feeling strong and worthy on the inside is beginning to show on the outside. I have found my self-worth. Find's there!

"We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves." - Malcolm X



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