
Showing posts from July, 2018

Broken Compass

My sense of direction is simply nonexistent. I will be the first to admit that I could get lost in a round room. What if I held a compass in my hand, would it help?  Since I've never actually held a compass, I could not say whether it would benefit me or not. I picture myself in the woods aimlessly wandering and holding this object prominently out in front of me and still being utterly bewildered as to which direction to take. Compasses actually remind me of sailors and this in turn reminds me of the boat I once owned that had a broken compass on the dash. It's little plastic dome has thin spiderweb cracks running down from the top due to some sort of previous impact and all it did was wobble and gyrate from the motion of the waves splashing underneath the boat. Gazing down at this broken compass always saddened me a bit because I knew I would have been fascinated to see it in full function. It would have made me feel more like a true sailor on the sea versus a mom on a lak

Cardboard Box Platform II

This is a topic always resurfaces often for me. It refers to the cliché of “thinking out of the box”.  Most of us have all heard this expression before and understand its basic meaning. To me it means that there are certain type of people who are always, sometimes almost effortlessly, able to put a spin on things.They are able to “change it up” to suit their needs or to progress forward in the situation they're in.  I like these people. They are go-getters. Sometimes aggressive, sometimes not, but certainly assertive.  ME. I like these type of people.  But what I discovered today almost by accident as if in one of those like “aha” moments, was that there is a different category of this breed…a spin-off of sorts.   I refer to this group as the “cardboard box  platform” people.  These are the folks who not only blow others away with their thinking and their actions, but literally destroy the box that we are all trapped (or choose to be) in.   Envisi

On The Edge

Oh, that proverbial cliff... You're right there.  You've done the climb.  You've put in the hard work.  You've planned. You've lost sleep.  You've cried.  You've questioned your very existence at times. What the hell is left? What are you waiting for?  Do it! Just do it! step back from that edge.  Going public. Launching your product.  You know you're ready, but what?  What is it? You're terrified. What if it sucks? What if you're wrong? What if you prove you're incompetent?  What if you don't? How will you know? You know who will be there for you. You know they have witnessed all of the doubt and exhaustion. There is no doubt they have your back. They will watch your leap and they will catch you if you are unable take flight this time.  And they will push you and push you and push you until your are ready to take that leap. They're patient, those your friends of yours. And you forgot the mo

Clearing of the Path

Oh, the walk. The walk along the path of life. The twists, the turns, the stumbling. When I think paths, I think, wooded paths.  Heavy on the trees, filtered sunlight, moss-covered rocks...yes, it's all there in my mind.   Challenging thing is, I have a terrible sense of direction; the worst maybe. I even have trouble maneuvering a "walking" app on Google Maps. This is simply how it is and I will be the first to admit it without any shame, I suck at directions. It's when it comes to walking through the woods with options of multiple path options, even the clearly marked paths with map in hand, I am the most challenged.  Yet, YET, being on these types of paths and in these exact scenarios creates an excitement in me that I crave. I love being in situations like this. I am not sure why. I think it's the feel of the sheer excitement of 1) trying something new, 2) taking a risk, and 3) knowing no matter what, things will always be okay.  It is all of these stat

Building Your Nest

NEST   - this is a word I have been using lately to refer to when and where I crash at the end of the day. It's my happy place. My comfort zone.  I love the image of returning to my nest at the end of the day. I would settle in with my "flock" and reflect and often unload my issues of the past 18 hrs of wake time. I think we all have a virtual nest. Who do you want there with you?  A friend? Family? Significant other?  Who is in that nest with you helping you close out the day? Consider carefully who you let into your nest. What is their value? Why do you specifically want them there?   Our lives and where we choose to settle can be represented by something as simple as an image of a bird's nest. When birds construct their nest and we construct the foundations for our lives, there are similarities .  It all starts from within...the building of it... the foundation .  The nest has to be the proper size, it has to be strong, and to be able to provide some degr

Cake and Eat It Too

Cake.  I don't know of many who do not cherish a delicious morsel of cake. There are countless varieties, but most of us have a favorite. Mine is white cake with chocolate frosting and with those little, colorful, crunchy candy dot sprinkles on top.  I think it is safe to say that we have all have heard the idiom "you can't have your cake and eat it too". Simply, it has to do with deserving it .  There is always going to exist a "trade-off". One cannot expect something, or get something that they have not earned, or that they are not truly meant to have. You can't want that perfect job, get it, and then expect that just because it's summer, you should be entitled to time off. No . You have to earn it. You are not entitled to it. Or perhaps because a person wears expensive Italian suits they think based on this that should command respect based on this fact alone. No .   You cannot have the best of both worlds, nor have it both ways. In re