
Showing posts from March, 2018

New Perspecive...On The Floor

I have been here before and I have no doubt that I will be here again.  There is just something about the venue.  - Maybe because I am challenged by height and it is forever close that I feel drawn to it. - Maybe the openness off the floor space is what attracts me. - Maybe because it is just different and odd. - Maybe because I simply think better down here. - Maybe, just maybe, I with my new Universal way of thinking, I feel more grounded, more solid. I feel connected. It settles my restlessness. And I restless! "Antsy." I say that so often. I think I may even say it on a daily basis.  My derrière just sits more squarely here. I imagine my sitz bones. I like how it all feels. I like the hardness and its harshness. It feels good to be down here low. No... it feels great to be down here low! The perspective intrigues me like I am in a whole new world. I notice the wood grain of my Amish bureau, the dust on the baseboard, the baby powder dusted acro


The past couple of months I have been educating myself on the Universe. I find it utterly fascinating in all regards. I feel the connection, the vibrations and energy (as I have previously written about), and the power of  believing that I alone can and am responsible for changing my life. I love where I am now and I know I will love 10x more as I travel on this new path - my yellow brick road (also previously blogged about). This brings me to the topic of my blog.  In addition to the Universe, I have discovered my Spirit Animal.  It was no surprise (actually it freaked me out a tiny bit) that my Spirit Animal is a seagull . Those who know me well, know why this freaked me out. Those who don't, goes. One year and five months ago, I planted myself up here on the Northern Coast of Massachusetts.  I had become smitten with the water, the smells, the laid-back lifestyle. It suited me and oddly enough, it felt like home over the course of the past few years upon visit

Mason Jar

Simplicity. This little jar suits me...attracts me.  I'm not sure what it is, but it's there. I beckons me to drink. You know what you're getting when it holds your beverage. Iced, "un-iced", strawed or "un-strawed", things just taste better in this unobstructed, little container. I find it a little sassy. I always felt it was a treat to be served a drink in one of these mason jars at a restaurant (not sure why...but I liked it) We've all seen them, held them in our grasp, and sipped.  I have never felt disappointed by what has been offered up in this magnificently, yet simply crafted piece of glassware. Among other things, I am a tactile person.  Touch is not only necessary, but critical for me. I have often referred to myself as a "toucher".  People who know me have experienced this. Men, women, and children.  I love this quality about me. I feel it has always been received well. Speaking of senses...I often sense that this is t


I have freckles.   A lot of them.  Head to toe. Along my fingers and my toes.  Seen them on my back. Assuming on my ass as well. Melanin at its best. I love 'em! Thanks, Mom! Because of them, I am the epitome of uniqueness and I wouldn't have it any other way.  I have always been fully aware of my freckles and can honestly say that they intrigue me. I would have to imagine that without being covered in them that I would appear pale and pasty.  I would hate that.  These little, brown spots define my character, I think.   Playful. Bountiful. Surprising. Fascinating. Ever-changing. I feel that there is always one thing (at least) that a woman would love to change about her body if she possibly could.  I would ever trade away my freckles.  I don't regret that, for the most part, they are continuous up and down my body, almost as if my skin color as a whole has changed.  Hmm... I think I will keep them. ;)  Each and every one. Count them if you can. cdl


malleable (adj.) - 1. (of a metal or other material) able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking. 2. capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences. I recently came across this word while reading You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero the other day. I liked its use in context and it did nothing short of resonating with me. So, here I am...posting its impact. Malleable. I believe that there are two ways to approach this word; either in its physical sense, or in its mental sense.  The physical sense puts an image in my mind of armor in the form of brass. With gentle, yet forceful blows, its shape being transformed. Perhaps it's into something beautiful, or perhaps just into something different. The dents and and dimples give the form character, set it apart from others and allowing it to become unique and beautiful. That's the physical image. All the while, however, the chemical make-up and core, the

Pro Dreams

Today it occurred to me why I prefer watching collegiate sports (e.g., basketball, football) over pro sports. Both can be intense, yes, but there is a different feel, for me at least, with watching collegiate sports.  First and foremost, again, in my opinion, there is a certain level of respect for the opposing players that I do not seem to witness in pro sports. I have hardly ever seen any arguing, chortling, or dissing of the other team's players. This in and of itself, lifts my heart up. It's like they get the fact that their true efforts need to be in the game, in what they are doing, and in how they play as individuals.  These young men and women have worked themselves tirelessly to get where they are today on the court. That court is their HOME. It's where they feel they belong at that moment and they pour their hearts and souls out on to it.  They want to. They have's their DREAM . They have the utmost respect for their dream and will nurture it int

My Yellow Brick Road

I've been feelin' it, oh have I been feelin' it!   It started 4 months ago when I stepped into unknown territory.   It was "outta my league" stuff.  Totally out of my comfort zone, actin' like I could, portraying that I knew . {sigh} I didn't.    So...this is when you learn fast; you learn hard.  Sleepless nights. No one to blame, but myself for getting in to the position where I found myself.  I made it, though. I came out the other side....successful. I held fast. I not only sounded like I knew what I was talking I did.  People sought out my thoughts and I contributed my voice. What I learned.   If you never try, never ask, never step forward, you'll never know what you are capable of knowing how much you can truly grow and in turn, give to others. I have learned more about myself in the past 7 years than I have learned in my entire lifetime. That in and of itself simply astounds me. Most steps forward have been utterly frigh


I got one.  I definitely have a fetish (or two, or three). I love paper.  I love notebooks with endless pages of crisp lined paper inside. I love bound writing journals. I love mechanical pencils. I love D'Nealian writing style. I ain't gonna lie. (I know...that is several fetishes.) Add ellipses.. . I overuse them now. An old friend introduced me to them years ago and now it's a habit I cannot seem to break.   It's my style and I love it. Thank God I had finished my Post-Baccalaureate just months before.  Dr. Lowe would have killed me if she saw me writing like this!  Those who know me well, know all about this "Paper Girl".  That's how I often refer to myself when speaking to others.   I gotta print it out. I gotta have paper in my hands. I GOT to mark it up with pencil, red pen, and/or a highlighter (in that order). Add libraries. Their smell and their dark, hidden corners.  Picking up an old poetry book (Pablo Neruda) on the dese

Lay With Lions

Lions. Yup, lions.  When I think of them, the following comes to mind:  majestic, strength, cunning, focused, Africa, family, packs.   From the little that I do know about them I learned from television. Born Free (1966), Elsa the Lioness, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. This is the picture I get in my mind.  I don't really know too much about them, but with my stated thoughts above and looking back over the past month, I see it now. I feel it...the uninhibited energy.  I am in the thick of it and there is no turning back, nor do I want to. I now lay with lions.   I am surrounded by majesty and such grandiose positive thoughts from others that I simply can't help but to feel in awe of the energy they exude. I feel like I have become alive and am running with the pack.  I see others movin' and shakin' and am confident in all that I want to do. Mostly, I feel the swell of the bond. The pack is a tight one. It needs to be and always will be.  The young